Grant Writing is a specialized skill.
No, it isn’t brain surgery, and it’s not rocket science. But it’s not easy and it’s not for everybody. You know this already. You probably also know this: when grants are coming in, projects move forward. Creativity and potential are unlocked. Amazing things start to happen. When grants are not coming in, projects stall. People lose their jobs. Morale goes in the tank. The difference between getting grants and not getting them couldn't be more stark.
Meanwhile, there’s not much mystery to good grant writing.
OK, I lied. There is a little mystery involved. However, you can become very good at grant writing. Like most things, the way you become good at grant writing is by doing it a lot, and for a long period of time. In the end, it’s pretty simple: The competition for grants is ferocious. People who have done a lot of grant writing enjoy a large competitive advantage over people who haven’t. Organizations that work with experienced grant writers enjoy a similar advantage over organizations that don’t.
I’ve done a lot of grant writing. I’ve written more than $10 million in successful proposals over more than fifteen years. I’ve worked for a wide variety of organizations, and have received funding from all levels of government, private foundations and corporations. Whether you’ve received quite a few grants or none at all, I’m confident I can help you bring your grant getting efforts to another level. Indeed, there are very few things I’m more confident of.
In less than a year, I can help you create a steady inflow of smaller to medium-sized grants that can greatly enhance the work your organization is doing. I can help you decide if certain opportunities are worth your time and effort pursuing. I can also lead your team in responding to massive government RFPs, writing the narrative, directing the flow and bringing the many pieces together in a way that creates a compelling package.
Call me if you need help with grants. I promise you’ll be glad you did.